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Stretch Your Paycheck Further During Inflation

Inflation makes it more expensive to do just about everything. Prices are up on everything from groceries and office supplies to plane tickets, eggs, gas, and household goods. During inflation, typical American families need to be a little bit smarter about how much money they spend. 63% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, and inflation makes it challenging to live comfortably.

If you're looking for ways to stretch your paycheck during inflation, try some of these life hacks:

Write Down Your Income & Expenses

Many people don't have a clear understanding of how much money they're bringing in and how much money they're spending. One of the best ways to cut down expenses and make your paycheck last longer is by writing down every single thing you spend money on. Start with big things like rent, utility bills, credit card debt, gas, insurance, and car payments. Then think about the smaller expenses like trips to the coffee shop, streaming services, clothing, going out to eat, and gym memberships.

When you write it all down and see it clearly in front of you on paper, you can start to see where all your money is going and make responsible decisions about what to cut.

Reduce Housing Expenses

Whether you own or rent a house, expenses related to maintaining a home can cost you a lot of money each month. Some ways to reduce these expenses include:

  • Cutting down on electricity

  • Getting a roommate to help cover rent

  • Having a conversation with your landlord about decreasing the rent,

  • Cutting monthly subscriptions like cleaning services, lawn care, and cable.

  • Going to a grocery store with a list and sticking to that list. This can drastically help reduce your grocery budget

  • Committing not to buy new furniture or home goods for a period of time can also help you save money each month.

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Eat At Home

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American spends roughly $3,000 per year eating out. By reducing the amount of time you go out to restaurants and eating at home instead, you could save anywhere from $150 to $250 a month.

Have a craving for steak, seafood, or pizza? It's usually cheaper to buy all the ingredients for the meal that you're craving and make it at home than it is to go out and buy that meal at a restaurant. And you’ll probably have enough to make it again the next day!

Take Advantage of Deals and Discounts

If you're serious about saving money, you may have to do a little research to find discounts and deals. You could learn how to use coupons to shave a few dollars off of your grocery bill, or use coupons and discounts to make oil changes, haircuts, and online purchases more manageable. Do a little research to find out when the item you are looking for typically goes on sale. It may require being a little patient, but if you can wait a little bit to spend significantly less on something that you need or want, it's worth it

Other ways you can take control of your money and make your paychecks last longer include:

  • Switch to 0% balance transfer cards

  • Pay in cash to avoid fees and overspending

  • Buy used items instead of brand new

  • Create an emergency fund so that if something unexpected pops up, you have the cash to take care of it without disrupting your monthly budget.

Bringing It All Together

Inflation is part of an economic cycle, and prices won't always be this high and things won't always be this hard. The more prepared you are for the ebbs and flows of the economy, the easier things will be. If you're still not happy about how much you're making and are seriously considering looking for a new job, connect with a recruiter today.

Whether you're looking for a temporary position to help increase your monthly income or want to jump into a brand new position, a Los Angeles staffing agency is a good place to start.


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