Great Hire StaffingJan 1, 2020Why Most Large Manufacturers Use Staffing AgenciesLarge manufacturing companies rely on their highly trained, skilled, and qualified workers for their success. Many manufacturers use staffin
Great Hire Risk ManagementOct 1, 2019How H.R. Managers Avoid Workplace ConflictThe HR department in any company knows the ins and outs of what's going on on all levels of the company. They know about new hires, they
Great Hire Staffing AgencyJun 19, 2019Top 5 Reasons To Use A Los Angeles Staffing AgencyWorking with a Los Angeles staffing company gives you more time in the day to focus on critical aspects of their job. When they are confiden
Great Hire StaffingFeb 22, 2019How To Spot A Toxic EmployeeSpotting a toxic employee can be vital to the overall cohesiveness of your work environment. Great Hire discussess how to head this off at t
AdminNov 15, 2018Unemployment Is Lowest Since 1969The unemployment rate fell to a nearly five-decade low in September, punctuating a remarkable rebound in the 10 years since the collapse of
Great Hire Staffing AgencyJul 26, 2018Temporary & Contract Staffing Up 2.2%Temporary and contract staffing employment was 2.2% higher for the week of May 7 to May 13 than the same week last year, according to Great
Great Hire Staffing AgencyJul 17, 2018The Gig Economony | Alive Or In A Spiral?Great Hire HR | The so-called gig economy is actually slightly smaller than it used to be, according to a new Labor Department report releas