How H.R. Managers Avoid Workplace Conflict

The HR department in any company knows the ins and outs of what's going on on all levels of the company. They know about new hires, they know about people who are leaving the company, they know about promotions and demotions. While the HR department is in charge of payroll and other services, one of their primary responsibilities is to handle workplace conflict. If there are issues between employees, it will dramatically reduce productivity and profitability at an alarming rate. If you are a small to mid-size company without an HR department, it might be time to outsource these positions in order to serve your company better.

Here are five ways HR managers avoid workplace conflict to ensure a happy and healthy workplace.

HR Managers Resolve Conflict With An Open Mind

A professional HR department will go into each unique conflict resolution strategy with an open mind. Their ability to see the employees and the situation from an outside perspective gives them a better chance to see the issue from all sides. Companies that do not have an HR department and expect other employees to perform these duties can create more conflict in the workplace, and overwork their employees. Hiring an HR department allows permanent employees to focus on their daily tasks, and leaves HR Related issues to HR.

HR Managers Help Employees Create Solutions To Their Problems

A successful human resources manager will not be expected to find the solutions for every problem they are presented with. Instead, they will be able to listen to all sides of the story and encourage employees to come up with creative solutions themselves. Sometimes, two conflicting parties just need an outside ear to listen to there problems and help them communicate more effectively and clear up misunderstandings. At times HR managers will outsource to a staffing agency to help mitigate their risk.

HR Managers Understand Different Communication Styles

Human resource managers understand that not all employees have the same communication style. They will not communicate their issues the same way, and they will not receive feedback in the same way. One of the features you want to look for when outsourcing an HR department is their ability to understand interpersonal communication. An effective human resource manager will also be able to reframe the situation and encourage employees to look at the situation from a different perspective.

HR Managers Care About Employees And Company Culture

An HR department that genuinely cares about the emotional health of the company will make a significant impact on the growth and success of the company. HR managers need to be the type of people who care about the wellbeing of others, who listened intently to conflicts, and are sympathetic to the needs of others. While payroll, hiring, training, and handling legal issues are pretty cut-and-dry aspects of the job, employee conflict resolution is something that requires heart and compassion.

HR Managers Follow Through

An HR managers job is not done once the employees have resolved their conflict. An effective HR manager will follow up with both parties to ensure that everyone felt heard and valued. They also check in to make sure that the strategies they put in place are working and that the conflict is being effectively managed. This could be something as easy as an email checking in, or a follow-up meeting for more in-depth analysis and communication.

Some companies choose to outsource all of their HR-related duties, while others use a staffing agency to find highly qualified permanent HR managers. A staffing agency can choose from a selective pool of highly trained and motivated managers, who have the experience needed to fit right into the company. The more experienced an HR Manager has, the fewer mistakes they will make, and the more smoothly each business day will run.

If your employees and managers are performing HR duties, it could be taking focus away from their primary tasks. Consider outsourcing your HR department to a Los Angeles Staffing Agency, an Inland Empire Staffing Agency, or an Orange County Staffing Agency to help handle everyday tasks and promote a happy and healthy workplace for employees.