Staffing Agency Tips On Hiring A Workforce Fast

One of the first things you learn when running a business is that time is money. Hiring a workforce fast can be essential when meeting the demands of a project or order. Business owners are always looking for ways to maximize their time, speed up their processes, and make their strategies more efficient.

When it comes to hiring, the same rules apply. When your company doesn't have enough people or doesn’t have the right people, production slows down and customer service declines. To avoid this, companies rush to hire people without carefully considering the long-term effects. This rush to fill vacancies can result in hiring people who aren’t qualified, don’t contribute to the company culture, or take more time to train than expected.

If you find yourself needing to quickly hire a workforce but aren’t willing to sacrifice the quality of the team you’re building, consider these tips from a Los Angeles staffing agency that has earned a reputation in the area for connecting companies with qualified talent, and doing it fast.

Have A Vision For Your Workforce

One of the best ways to fast-track your hiring process is to know what you’re looking for. Sit down with your hiring managers and make a list of qualities and skills you’re looking for in a new hire. List out all of the positions that need to be filled, starting with the most urgent, and create a clear vision of what you’re looking for. You may not find a candidate that checks all of the boxes, but listing these qualities helps you focus your search.

Respond Right Away To Candidates

If you want to hire fast, you have to act fast. This means responding quickly to candidate applications and questions. Most active job seekers are as eager as you are to make a professional connection, and won’t sit around waiting for a response. If your goal is a faster hiring process, you need to speed up the way you interact with job seekers. The average company responds 10-14 days after receiving the job application. If possible, shorten this time and get back to job seekers faster. Even if you’re just reaching out to let them know you received their application and will be reaching out shortly, establishing a line of communication early can help you hire faster.

Incorporate Texting Into The Hiring Process

Over 50% of consumers reported that they’d rather interact with companies and customer service reps via texting vs. traditional phone calls or email. If your goal is to connect with this generation of professionals and speed up your hiring practices, consider switching some of your responses over to text messages. You could do this by:

  • Sending a follow-up text after an interview

  • Texting to schedule an interview

  • Texting a candidate to let them know you received their application

  • Answering questions via text

  • Using text to send basic onboarding information

Working smarter, not harder, is key to maximizing your time. Using the technology you have at your disposal can help you connect with modern job seekers and hire faster.

Use Screening Questions As A Quick Filter

If you have a lot of positions to fill, or you’re anticipating a lot of applications for a few select positions, screening questions can help you narrow down your search. Creating a list of pre-screening questions will help you filter out those who meet your minimum requirements and those who don’t. Some examples of common pre-screening questions include:

  • What type of work environment do you prefer? Management style?

  • When can you start if you’re hired?

  • What are you looking for in your next job?

  • What are your salary expectations?

  • What are your professional goals?

  • Do you prefer to work in a team or independently?

  • Describe your experience resolving disagreements.

These questions focus more on how the candidate would work within the company, and not so much on their skills and experience. It’s important to remember when hiring that many of the skills required to do the job well can be taught. What you can’t teach is teamwork, leadership, accountability, time management, goal setting, problem-solving, conflict resolution, or common sense. These pre-screening questions help you know right away the type of person you’re working with so you can make a quick and confident decision about whether or not they’d be a good fit for your company.

Use Job Templates and Automate

Templates will help you move through the hiring process without having to create new documents every time. Think about the emails that you send out the most often and create a template for them so you can send them out in one easy click. Some common templates for hiring managers, recruiters, and HR teams include:

  • Job descriptions

  • Invitations/reminders for interviews emails

  • Requests for references

  • Follow-up emails after interviews

  • Rejection emails

  • Onboarding information

  • Offer letters

  • New hire forms

Summary for hiring a workforce fast

These are just a few of the ways professional staffing agencies maximize their time and connect job seekers with companies that are hiring. Recruiters know that time is of the essence for both parties, and use these strategies to fast-track the process.

If you need to fill vacancies quickly, working with a Los Angeles staffing agency is a great way to ensure you’re getting qualified hires in a short amount of time. Stop wasting time on lengthy hiring processes only to be disappointed with the results, and use a recruiter to save you time and money.
