4 Mistakes That Can Get Your Job Application Moved Into The Trash Pile | Staffing Agency Los Angeles

Sometimes, it may seem funny that so much can hinge on something as small as a piece of paper; but then again, a resume speaks volumes about who you are and how competent you may be. If you do not have an incredible resume, then you may never get a callback, despite how qualified you may be. Here are four of the most common mistakes for which employers will junk your resume as told by Great Hire, a Staffing Agency in Los Angeles:

Mistake #1: Not Getting Rid of All Your Typos


No matter what list of resume flops you find, this mistake will always be on it. Grammatical mistakes, no matter how small, stand out on a resume like blazing bonfires to employers. Missing punctuation, bad spelling or poor phrasing make you look incompetent in the eyes of an employer, so do your best to get rid of them. Odds are, you know an English major or a Grammar Stickler, so ask them for help in whipping your resume into shape before you submit it to that job you are hoping to get.

Mistake #2: Filling Your Valuable Space with Lame Generalizations

Since most resume specialists recommend that you have only one page of resume for every ten years of experience, that means that you have very little space with which to work, particularly if you incorporate creative design elements into the design (definitely do this, by the way). If you waste that space on weak fluff such as “was trusted with several job-related responsibilities during the course of multiple times per day,” then you can kiss that job goodbye. Condense your achievements into powerful, bite-sized, exciting nuggets, such as “designed, collaborated, and implemented irrigation formations for optimal water distribution.”

Mistake #3: Not Tailoring Your Resume to Exactly What the Employer Wants


Do not give in to the temptation to use the same resume for every job for which you apply. A general, blanket resume is one of the biggest turn offs for employers, no matter how well it is designed or worded. They need a specific set of skills for whatever job they need filled, and if you do not demonstrate exactly how great you would be at those specific areas, then they will likely pass you over in favor of someone else. Tedious as it may be, you need to make a new resume to shape your experience into exactly what the employer wants to see. A staffing agency in Los Angeles may be able to help you practice your resume writing skills.

Great Hire Human Resources is a staffing agency providing high quality staffing solutions in Los Angeles, Orange, & Riverside Counties. Relationship is the key focus for us and what allows us to truly find an ideal candidate for any position you are looking to fill. From the Light Industrial Employee to the High Level Executive we are intent on making the right fit. We know that in any company large or small all positions are imperative in day to day operations and we make sure that our pool of potential associates are top of the line.
